It's pretty safe to say that there's no side more freqently seen at backyard cookouts or potlucks than potato salad. Some good, some bad, and some definitely ugly. For our part, we're very discerning potato salad consumers. It's got to have the right balance of flavors and be a salad with texture rather than what is all too often, cold mashed potatoes with mayo and mustard. Rest assured, this recipe seeks to present a very different potato salad. It's as visually engaging as it is good tasting. It's also a "best when warm" salad which is another departure for most potato salads.
The selection of potatoes is critical to the process. While there are many different types of potatoes and they all share the same name, they most definitely are not all interchangeable. For this potato salad, we picked "new potatoes" and went a step further and got the multi-colored new potatoes for some added visual appeal (see photos). These potatoes have a texture that holds together better than others once cooked and don't turn into a mush/mash quite as easily. Keeping the skins on is important. It helps to keep that texture intact while steaming and also holds the potatoes together once sliced and added to the bowl to be mixed. Finally a word about the apple cider vineager; for years Manny and I have made this dish and loved it hot or warm, but lamented that once it got refrigerated, it became bland. About 6 months ago (when the whole stay-at-home thing started around COVID-19) we started to refine some of our old-standby recipes to photograph and post on the website. This recipe was one that we tinkered with a little to figure out how to make it as good cold as it is warm and as it turned out, it was really easy. Adding a splash of apple cider vinegar just to the point where you can taste it as a secondary/background flavor adds the magic to making this delicious whether it's served warm or cold. We sincerely hope you love this as much as we do and that it changes your perspective on potato salad as a whole.
As always, from our table to yours... #SpiceConfidently #EssenceOfFlavor #ChemistryInTheKitchen #CasaMSpice
— Mike Hernandez
For the Potato Salad:
- 4 lbs red or mixed-color potatoes, washed, skin-on
- 10 large eggs
- 2 bunches scallions, green tops only, finely chopped
- 1 cup celery, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup shallots, finely chopped
- 3 cups mayonnaise
- 1 Tablespoon celery seeds
- 1 Tablespoon Casa M Spice Co® Chain Reaction®
- 1 Tablespoon Casa M Spice Co® Uncontrolled Cattle Drive®
- salt and pepper to taste
- apple cider vinegar to taste

Adding a splash of apple cider vinegar just to the point where you can taste it as a secondary/background flavor adds the magic to making this delicious whether it's served warm or cold.
- Mike HernandezLET’S GET COOKING
Combine the mayo, seasonings, and vegetables in a large bowl and set aside for flavors to meld while you steam the potatoes and eggs.
Steam the potatoes, skin-on, for approximately 25 minutes until a fork inserts easily into the potatoes. Keep the steamer handy and hot, but pull the potatoes out and Set aside until cool enough to handle.
Carefully place the eggs into the steamer and steam the eggs for 12-15 minutes. Remove the eggs into a bowl, crack them all, and fill with tap water to cool. When cool enough, peel the eggs.
Slice the eggs and potatoes (skin still on) into large, but bite-sized pieces and add to the large bowl with the mayo and vegetables along with a splash of apple cider vinegar.
Mix gently - you want salad, not mash - until just blended.
Taste and adjust seasonings to taste. The apple cider vinegar should be a background flavor not a foreground flavor, but if you can't taste it at all, add another splash.
This salad is best served hot or at room temp for up to 2 hours after making -- refrigerate leftovers.
This is by far the BEST potato salad I have ever eaten! So glad the recipe is available!
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